
Signing TROs in TRACE can be implemented using any digital signature mechanism. The basic requirements for signing TROs are integrity (the TRO is what it is), non-repudiability (the signer cannot deny that they signed it). The signature mechanism determines how TROs are verified and TRACE is concerned with verifying the signature at the time of TRO creation even if the signing key/certificate has expired or been revoked/invalidated. We have considered initially using GPG with possible future support for X.509 certificates.

A key difference between these two approaches is the underlying trust model. In public key infrastructure (PKI), trust models define how the authenticity of the binding between a key and its owner is determined. GPG implements a decentralized trust model called the web of trust (WOT) and X.509 implements a centralized trust model based on a heirarchy of certificate authorities (CA). In the WOT model, the authenticity of keys is determined by a network of individuals who endorse or sign the key. In the CA model, a centralized authority is responsible for vetting identities.

We can envision TRACE working in either way. Producers and consumers of TROs can form a WOT, endorsing each others’ keys. Similarly, producers and consumers of TROs can rely on third-party CAs. Both GPG and X.509 technologies are mature, well-documented, and ubiquitous.

GPG/WOT v. X.509/CA#

  • X.509 can be used to verify an organization or individual. GPG is intended to verify an individual and is bound only to an email address.

  • GPG trust levels are private, specific to the individual, and often hard to understand. Similarly with GPG validity.

  • Once sent to a keyserver, GPG keys can never been deleted but can be revoked.

  • GPG keyrings can be maintained by individuals or shared.

  • Keys may be revoked, compromised, or expire

GnuPG (GPG)#

GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is an open-source implementation of the OpenPGP standard (RFC 4880). PGP is intended to provide data integrity services via encryption, compression, and digital signatures. For the purpose of TRACE, we are interested in the GPG digital signature and key management capabilities.

Use case: A TRACE system owner generates a GPG key that represents the identity of the TRACE system. A given system may have only one signing key. The system owner distributes their signing key by publishing to a public keyserver (or possibly a shared keyring maintained by the TRACE community). Other stakeholders in the TRACE community validate the system owner’s key via the WOT model by signing the key. The system owner’s key can be used to validate TROs signed using the specific key.


X.509 is a standard defining the format of public key certificates used in a variety of encryption and digital signature applications. X.509 certificates are commonly used for encryption of client-server communications (e.g., TLS/SSL, HTTPS) and electronic signatures (code signing, email signing, document signing). The X.509 standard includes the ability to specify the purpose of a certificate and that certificates must not be used for any other purpose than those specified (e.g., server authentication, client authentication, code signing, email protection, and timestamping).

There are two types of certificates: certificate authority (CA) or end-entity. A CA certificate may be an intermediate or root certificate and can be used to issue other certificates. End-entity certificates must either be self-signed or signed by a CA. Certificates may identify individuals, organizations, or domains. A TRACE System would use an end-entity certificate.

X.509 defines certificate revocation lists to distribute information about certificates deemed invalid by a signing authority. This may include intermediate certificates. The CILogon service provides free “end entity certificates” based on individual user authentiaction. These can be used only for SSL client authentication and S/MIME signing/encryption.

Code Signing certificates are typically used to assert the identity of a party responsible for the creation of executable code and are therefore not applicable to the TRACE system, since the TRACE system is responsible only for a record of the execution of code created by an author. Code Signing certificates are not free due to the process required to ensure an individual or organization’s identity. For academic software, code signing certificates are often issued only at the institutional level.

Other considerations#

  • Attached v detached signatures: Signatures may be either attached or detached. For zip archives, attached signatures can be embedded in comment blocks or included metadata files. For detached signatures, the signature file must be distributed with the TRO.

  • Certificate validation and timestamping: TRACE validation is concerned with whether the signature was valid at the time of signing.

  • Multiple signatures: Systems like Cosign support multiple signatures.

  • Certificate compromise, expiration, revocation

Worth noting#

  • GitHub allows users to sign commits using GPG, SSH, or S/MIME.

  • Java’s jarsigner was a common approach to signing zip archives using X.509 certificates.

  • Debian developers must identify themselves by providing an OpenGPG key that is signed by at least two existing members of the project (DebianKeyring).

  • Android’s original apksigner was an extension of jarsigner (Code Signing Android and iOS Applications)

  • Cosign can sign any artifact pushed to an OCI registry and supports multiple signatures.

  • SecureApt and other package managers distribute keyrings.